Recent Testing Tiers® Point Earners

Congratulations to everyone who has been earning Testing Tiers® points and adding to their ranking in the Official U.S. List of Certified Testers™!

The list of recent Testing Tiers® points gainers is very long, so below is a random selection of 20 individuals with recent gains who have set their profile to display publicly. This list is updated throughout each day.

Certified Tester Recent Points
Rochelle Caldito Repol 100
Shawn Pekas 100
Viktoriia Dolhaniuk 100
Sindhu Chalasani 125
Alessio Casablanca 100
Garrett Dillon 100
Himali Chawra 100
Lee Cheng Hao 100
Kelimu Maliyamu 125
Joshua Parada 100
Rose Howell 100
Connor Readnour 100
Thomas Kwek Chun Yong 100
Elda Dino 100
Mudunkotuwe Hitiwadi Vidanelage Harindu Mudunkotuwa 100
Zurimar Hernandez 100
Maha Haddad 100
Dag Adjei Gyampo 100
Shivani Prakash Vaidya 100